Amy Loseke - Music Director

Amy is married to Phil with 3 grown sons, 2 beautiful daughters in love, and 2 grandsons.  She has been a member of Shiloh Baptist since October 2000 and dearly loves her church family.  During this time, she has served in many different areas of the church from VBS and Children's Christmas play Director to Youth Chaperone to NYC Missions. Missions hold a special place in her heart.  Anywhere you are can be your mission field.  Music has been a central part of her life from a very young age.  She believes there is beautiful music for everyone's heart and tries to incorporate that into each worship service.  She says that she is incredibly blessed by the talent here at Shiloh and could not possibly do her job without the wonderful commitment of so many special and talented people.  Amy works full time as the discipline coordinator for Cleveland High School but in her spare time, you will likely find her at the beach.

"Find rest, O my soul, in God alone, my hope comes from Him.  He alone is my rock and my salvation.  I shall not be shaken."
Psalm 62:5-6